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An IDEA is a SPARK — a spark that can fire a world. 

“As a man thinks in his heart — so IS he” (Proverbs 23:7). The way you think is the way you will live. We LIVE what we really BELIEVE. There are many philosophies, or ordered ideas for living, in our world. Most have some powerful points that capture young people’s interests. All but ONE are weaknesses and some serious, even dangerous consequences when a life is based on them. “Beware in case any man trick you through philosophy and empty deception, according to the basic principles of the WORLD and not after CHRIST” Paul warned (Colossians 2:8). How much of the world’s ideas run your life?

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame 2.0

The Greatest Force 

The love of God is the greatest force in the Universe. God's love loosed on the world shook it to its foundations. The early disciples were not tied together in organization, sworn together in doctrine or frozen together in tradition. They were melted together in love.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame (p234)

"Nobody Understands Me?" (part 4-5) 

3. CRAZE FOR SPIRITUALITY -- "Nobody really understands me and God."

Some people seem to try too hard to be Christians. They appear intent on being "super-holy," wanting to do everything "spiritual" or acting as God's judge of the sins of the world.

Yet those who know them, "smell a rat." Their zeal doesn't ring true. The fruit of the Spirit is strangely absent. Wrapped up in themselves, their over-spirituality is a shell covering a desperate need of being accepted.

It can often begin from personal deficiency by birth or accident. It need not hinder their spiritual life, but THEY think it must. Such needy ones blame their parents or God for what has happened. But NEITHER should be accused. (John 9:1-3). God can allow such things for a demonstration of His power and glory in weakness. If it is a God-allowed "infirmity" it must be accepted. (2 Corinthians 12:7-9).

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame (p177)

Image: Graphicstock

How Do I Look? - (Part 3-5) 

2. "I hate the way I look; my hairstyle, clothes, face, etc."

If His people spent even as much time on their hearts as they do their LOOKS, God could meet much of the world's need. If YOU could CHANGE the way you look, would you? Without surgery even -- you CAN! Your looks reflect the state of your heart. When it is honest and free from guilt, you face will be lit with the radiance of God. A person who is truly beautiful on the INSIDE, will be attractive on the OUTSIDE. Clothes, like lives, must be simple and clean. Very gaudy or "showy" dress is a sure sign of a lonely, self-centered heart. A Christian must not be a slave to the fashions and customs of the world. Live like the world and you scream to the streets, "Give me dress, give me fashion, give me flattery and I am happy." Take care of the INSIDE and the outward appearance takes care of itself. (2 Corinthians 3:18; 1 Timothy 2:9-10; Romans 12:1-2 Phillips translation).

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame (p176)

Image: Graphicstock

"Taking Off the Mask - (part 2-5) 

"Taking off the mask" is rather frightening and a little bit painful. But when  we learn to do this TOGETHER before God, we take a giant step to family unity as children  of God. Immense personal problems grow out of this root -- failing to believe that I AM WHAT I AM. Check out your own life for this:

1. CROWD FEAR -- "Nobody wants me; nobody likes me; nobody accepts me."

Afraid of meeting others? Self-consciousness is pride. The less you think about what others think of YOU, the more power and freedom you will have in your Christian life as you walk before the eyes of the Lord. If you are like this, you have not accepted yourself for the way God made you. (Psalms 56:4).

Winkie Pratney
     (Youth Aflame p176)

Image: Graphicstock

You Are What You Really Are (part 1-5) 

When the Lord Jesus came, He wore no mask. He was wholly what He seemed to be. In Him was found no guile. People came to Him pretending, but found they couldn't fool Him! He looked into their souls, showed them without saying that He understood why they wore their  "mask." Gently, He helped them take it off, and the man behind it saw light as he faced the world honestly for the first time. When Paul saw himself as GOD saw him, he said, "I am the chief of sinners." (1 Timothy 1:15). In God's army we are all chiefs, no indians!

God wants to show you what you are. It may take Him a long time, but He will stop at nothing short of perfection once you have let Him have your life. He can't start until you know the truth about yourself -- "In me, there lives no good thing!" Sometimes it takes us a lifetime to realize we ARE what God says us to be -- "sinners!" Once realized we can start being really dependent on God to make us all He wants us to be. We are like the ugly duckling. Until we despair of ever changing ourselves, God cannot make us into beautiful "swans."

~Winkie Pratney
     (Youth Aflame p176)

Image: Graphicstock

The Masks We Wear... 

Almost everyone wears a mask to cover the real person --- our true inner souls. behind many a smile lies defeat, discouragement and despair. We live in a pretend world. Daily, people practice their smiles in the mirror and go out to live with other masked people. It often seems like no one understands us and our problems, for most everyone we meet seems to live a relaxed life. Finding no one with problems like ours, we cover the lines of guilt and worry, fix our smile up carefully again, and go on back to pretending. From childhood we are taught to be unreal; to look as if we are happy when we aren't; to laugh when we feel like crying; to act as if nothing has happened when we are hurt; to carefully cover the tears and go on with the business of living again.

But it is this kind of automatic deceit that makes it so hard for God to get through to us. He wants to show us what we are. It may take Him a long time, but once He has begun He will complete His work. And He cannot begin to help us until we learn the truth about our old lives; that in US there is "no good thing." (Romans 7:18). Sometimes it takes a person a lifetime to realize that he IS what God says he is without Him -- a SINNER. We always find reasons why we are "better" than the Bible says we are; if we get too good at these, we can simply never be saved.  

~Winkie Pratney
     (Youth Aflame (p175)

Pic by Rasevic (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Satan's "Push-me-pull-you" 

Satan uses both extremes, (Worm-Pride & Self-Pride) in his attacks on Christians. If he cannot puff you up, he will try to push you down. He will alternate thrusts of great elation or great depression following spiritual victories or failures. Watch out for these two kinds of pride, recognize them for what they are, and resist them. The safest way a Christian can think of himself is as a FORGIVEN child of GOD. This will keep you from both of these extremes. And remember too, the secret of dealing with self is not wrestling it, but getting so caught up with the Lord Jesus and His work that you forget it.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame (p175)

Boot-Strap Pride 

Self-Dependance is the pride sin that felled Lucifer, the beautiful angel of light in charge of God's wisdom secrets, and turned him into Satan, the Devil (Isaiah 14:14; Ezekiel 28:12-17). As long as there is someone bigger and better than him, the man with the "big wheel" pride can never be content. Now God is always going to be infinitely greater than any man can ever be. A man who wants to be be King of his own universe NEVER wants to meet God. That is why a lot of people waste a lot of time and words arguing that He does not exist. They really wish it were true because one day they will have to answer for their false estimates of their own importance.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame (p173)

Picture is Ross McElwee who was playing a character representing Lucifer/Devil from the drama "Toymaker & Son" circa 1988-89 

Rebellion against TRUTH 

It is not lack of information that makes a man lost, it is rebellion against TRUTH. It is resistance to the Spirit of God who daily deals with men and women. It is shutting Him out, and ignoring Him and suppressing the TRUTH. 

~Winkie Pratney 
     “Absolutes of Wonder”

Characters from the drama "Toymaker & Son" circa 1988-89 

Grace-ful Pride 

We can preach on the pride of race, face and place; but the most deceitful is the pride of  "grace." ...One such form trades on the goodness of God. It involves "reminding" Him of how much you have done for Him in the past. You suggest to your conscience that since you have accomplished some great things for God, you are entitled to a small moral holiday. This is not funny. God is not going to overlook any kind of sin, no matter how much you have done. (Ezekiel 18:24; Philippians 3:5-8) Too often  His children fall RIGHT AFTER they have done some really significant work for Him. Grace cannot be "stored" so you can "sin a little" on your reputation. The higher you get to God in the eyes of men, the more carefully you must guard your life because He will judge you more severely as a leader for failure than someone else with less light. (James 3:1)

~Winkie Pratneyangel 
     Youth Aflame (p173)

"Worm" Pride 

The pride of the "worm" devalues what God says we are worth in His eyes. He does not annihilate our personalities; He cares for us regardless of our lack of greatness because He made us and knows what we can be in His hands.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame 

Christian vs Religion 

True Christianity is not a religion; it is people through Christ returning to normal. Religions are our substitutes for God; through Christ God has substituted for us! The Creator put an echo of His nature in our beings; men cannot find real peace apart from Him.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame

Dust or Destiny! 

Sell your birthright to the world, the flesh and the Devil and your future will be dust. But find the place God wants you to discover and a door will be open to you -- your DOORWAY OF DESTINY! 

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame

Skeletons... in YOUR closet 

How do you get them out?
Memory is highly efficient in remembering wrong. Although it forgets unpleasant and worthless things (like the last time you tripped or missed what you were aiming for) it NEVER forgets unrighted sin. Much mental illness today can be traced to guilt never wiped from the mind by confession, restitution and forgiveness. Shock, drugs and other medical and psychiatric treatment tries to take such guild memories from the mind, but God's method is the only really effective one -- FACE each wrong with its full load of guilt -- but don't HOLD it! Bring it out into the open before the Lord Jesus, confess it to Him and to those "others" involved -- then receive healing forgiveness.

~Winkie Pratney
      Youth Aflame

What do you do??? 

By Winkie Pratney...
     You ask me what I do? 

I am a fully-fledged, authorized representative and life-time member of the largest and most wide-spread global company on Earth. 
Our mission statement is to plant our Founders benefit, vision and values in every city, nation, continent and people-group in every tongue and language on the planet. 
Who and what we bring to help the nations has always proved the most needed and pre-eminently significant contribution to its people. Time after time it demonstrates the power to bring the highest benefit and value to the welfare and worth of every culture and country it touches. 
To accomplish this massive and costly task, our representatives work in every level of culture and society. We are active in multiple levels in the arts and sciences, economics, education, entertainment, military, media, communications, law, ethics, health-care, conservation, welfare and local and civil government. We count among our far-flung number farmers and futurists, doctors and dressmakers, poets and politicians, scientists, scholars, singers, scribes, sages and seers. 
Though our reps are under commission to go where many either cannot or will not go to some of the most needy nations and dangerous areas on earth, we are in training for ready response to matters of both immediate and long-term concern in both national and international emergency. We put teams everywhere where the need is greatest. 

These missions of mercy have generated more press and public involvement in both response and reaction than any other venture in history. We have many supporters and more than our fair share of detractors. Those in our ranks come from all walks of life, from the poorest of the poor to kings, queens, Prime Ministers and Presidents. We are old and young, students and teachers, educated and illiterate, ex-prisoners and corporate heads. There are no stereotypes or typicals in our teams. Everyone is uniquely gifted but all in our various missions are united around our common calling. 

Our global time-honored company has printed and distributed more inspirational, educational and recruitment materials than any other in publishing history. More musicians, singers, writers and composers have dealt with the central themes of our work in honor of the Founder than of any other person or project in history. Such compositions and concerts comprise so many grateful and gifted men and women that one recent compilation by TIME-LIFE America alone became the best-selling release out of all its collection of legendary singers, songs and song-writers. 

Our basic training-manual is still the best-selling book of all time. In the last decade we released the most-watched movie on the planet (still circulating) and the best-selling foreign language film in all movie history. 
Though our company had an extremely small beginning and our Founder the most humble of origins, it is now by far the largest international body on earth. Though our task is still far from complete and we are often misunderstood and misrepresented even by those we seek to serve, we all count it individually an honor to be able to contribute to the completion of what we believe is the world’s most significant task and that it may be accomplished in our own time. 
Some chosen to represent this work and its leadership have already spoken publicly both in person and via global media to the largest audiences of all time and still continue to do so to this day. 
In conclusion, I am proud and honored to represent both who and to what I have given my life, my time, my talents and future service. I believe there is no greater cause and no greater calling. 
You ask me what I do? 
I am a follower of Jesus Christ. 
I am a missionary.

... Death to Self 

"The hardest death to die is death to self. The most difficult thing to do is to admit wrong and get the past cleaned up. ...God has given us two deeply powerful principles to overcome it. They are the moral forces of confession, to bring self-honesty and forgiveness, and restitution, to right wherever possible the harm that has been done by selfishness."

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame

The Road to Hell... 

“The road to Hell is paved with good intentions” said Dorothy Sayers: Not bad things we should not have done, nor even good things we may have meant to do, but good things, nice things, fine things stubbornly and obstinately done despite God’s dealings with the lovely, treasured idolatries of our lives.

~Winkie Pratney
     Spiritual Vocations

A Royal Deliverance 

"Why is it that so many equate godliness with grumpiness, a ransomed heart with a spiteful, critical and hurtful religious life-style? Does Heaven only hold a place for the scarred and sadly surrendered devotee who does not dance or sing in such a lovely home and family? Such a devotion first needs a royal deliverance if one wants to come back free to God’s city."

~Winkie Pratney
       Spiritual Vocations