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"Has GOD said?" 

In Modernism, miracles also are suspect if not “impossible.” Forced to deny plain words of the Scriptures that expose and condemn all natural man’s selfish actions, the Modernist has to question ALL Scripture that does not agree with his life. The God’s Divine Directory becomes a book “written by man” full of “mistakes.” Its plain demands become “Misinterpretations.” Modernism joins Satan by asking “Has God said?” when He very plainly HAS! (Genesis 3:1). 

This philosophy tries to take the supernatural from Scripture and society, undermining faith in God and His Word. Here, the Bible is not our absolute guide for life under the light of God’s Holy Spirit. A Modernist rethinks truth in a way that clouds Christ’s clear commands. He makes darkened reason, not intelligent trust in the Word of a wise and holy God, his rule. Subtle changes in understanding of truth, double-thinking, and silence on issues that clarify sin are all marks of Modernism.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame 2.0

Popularity Wasn't a Promise???  

Jesus did not promise all His followers popularity, but LIFE. We need only to remember that “friendship with the world is enmity with God” (James 4:4; John 15:18-19; 1 John 2:15). Men who conform to the world will not change it. Early Christians were often deeply hated, despised, and persecuted. Some were even murdered, but the Gospel spread; “the blood of martyrs is the seed of the church.” Ten of the twelve disciples died violently for their Lord. Jesus Himself said, “The world will hate you because I am not of the world.”

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame 2.0

Making Sinners More REfined 

The Gospel has built-in power to change society. Society is simply a lot of separate people living together and no one can change people like God. To alter the living conditions of people is really only a useful side-issue. The Bible shows us that changing social conditions alone will not necessarily change the ultimate choice of a man or woman’s heart. Environment only influences our decisions, never creates them. We are much more than our food, houses and books. Giving selfish people better homes or nicer food will not transform their natures; they will simply be more refined sinners. If we center our hearts on God, our life will change deeply enough to affect both our living conditions and our world, but simply moving a man’s home will not move his heart.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame 2.0

Flaws in the "Good Deeds" Philosophy. 

There are serious flaws in the good deeds philosophy mentioned under Humanism. Jesus taught a life of good works not FOR salvation, but as a natural result of His own inner transformation of our hearts. True Christians do good flowing from the love that is a consecration to the highest good of God and His Universe, in glad service for their Heavenly Father John 9:4-5). Jesus too, was moved with compassion by human need. But He did not come merely to start relief programs. He had the ability to supply food for others. He fed multitudes, BUT always did these miracles within a limit of spiritual response. He wanted to meet the needs of the whole man. In fact, He distrusted those who followed Him for the supply of physical need alone (John 6:26).

~Winkie Pratney 
     Youth Aflame 2.0

"A Pig in a Sty" or "The Murderer vs. the Head-Hunter" 

We cannot just TEACH man to be good. Today’s highly educated generation are only smarter sinners. The city killer is no less evil than the jungle head-hunter. Both have selfish hearts, expressed in more or less educated ways. Our conscience needs to be cleared and reawakened; we need forgiveness and cleansing from our past; we need a force inside of us to guard our hearts and minds as a block to future wrong. We need power to live above ourselves and not be a slave to selfishness. God, by the Holy Spirit, can do this. He can point out what man without God cannot see — the “exceeding sinfulness of sin” (Romans 7:13). A pig in a sty cannot tell what a “clean” home is like. It has a wrong idea of “clean” in the mud. Only God can show us both our wrong and conquer it. He wins our rebel hearts by His great love, then takes up His own home in our lives by His Holy Spirit (Revelation 3:20; Ephesians 3:17).

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame 2.0

Human Suffering... and First Things First 

Modernism grows out of religious humanism. A Modernist lives by his feelings like other selfish people, but the desires that may seem to move him most are the needs of the sick, uneducated, poor and hungry. And who is not touched by human need? How noble such efforts seem, even when a man merely uses human plight to gratify his selfishness or appease his conscience. What a tragedy that such deeds of giving can be used as excuses for not doing the first thing God asks of a man; surrender to Christ. Although Modernism has attempted many needed relief and social programs that have been of help to the world, it has helped keep alive a terrible lie, that man can make it to perfection and purity on his own.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame 2.0

Ignorance is NOT Bliss 

Humanists try to deny or ignore sin. To justify themselves they may do many “good works.” These may seem acceptable in the sight of men, but God searches the heart and sees our real motives. All of our works will be exposed by the light of Heaven. We all know deep inside that “it is appointed to man once to die, and after death the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27; Acts 17:31). Psychiatry can at best EXPOSE the CAUSE of our guilt, leaving psychology to make an attempt to help us live with it. But none of our studies can REMOVE it. Only the Law-Giver Himself can pardon; only the blood of Christ shed “for the forgiveness of many” can rescue us through God’s conditions of our repentance and trust.

~Winkie Pratney  
     Youth Aflame 2.0

Smoke and Mirrors 

A Humanist’s answer is not real. It does not account for the disgusting dictatorship of sin in the human heart. Good FUTURE deeds (even if made from the right motives) cannot cancel out bad ones. If wrong has been done, the penalty of God’s broken law must function. God must be strictly fair. His justice cannot simply excuse, for instance, a murderer on his promise of some future behavior. Selfishness unchecked would murder God’s Universe.

~Winkie Pratney 
     Youth Aflame 2.0

Humanism's Fatal Mistake 

Humanism’s fatal mistake is to confuse ability or CAPACITY with CHOICE. A man can know right and how to do it. From the dawn of moral awakening, however, the whole record of Scripture and history is that we choose instead to do WRONG. Even the seemingly “good” actions of unchanged men and women are done from secret selfishness (like hope of self-gain or fear of punishment and disapproval). “Too much good in even the worst of us” is not what the Bible says but — “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God… there is NONE that does good, no, not one” (Romans 3:23, 10; 7:18). Sinful people cannot please God with their excuses for rebellion in “good deeds” (Isaiah 64:6; Matthew 7:21-23; Galatians 2:16; 1 Corinthians 13:3).

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame 2.0

Seeking, but never finding... 

,  once popularized by Hefner’s “Playboy Philosophy,” fits in here. The strange thing is that if we seek pleasure for pleasure’s sake, we will never find it. It is like trying to find the pot of gold at the proverbial end of the rainbow. The man who tries to save his life by living totally to serve himself actually LOSES it because he becomes a slave to his lusts, and pays the penalty of sin (Luke 9:24; 1 Timothy 5:6; Romans 6:16).

~Winkie Pratney 
     Youth Aflame 2.0

When is Self-Love and Self-Denial NOT a Paradox? 

The foundation of moral freedom
is self-love in the context of self-denial; this is not a paradox. Self-love simply means unselfishly choosing your own highest good; self-denial is the willingness to subordinate personal desires to the revealed will of God, whether that implies sacrifice or not. A by-product of a holy life is happiness. We were never meant to live on the level of an animal (Luke 14:26-35; 18:29-30; John 10:10; Ephesians 3:14-21; 2 Corinthians 9:8; 1 Peter 2:11; 4:2).

~Winkie Pratney  
     Youth Aflame 2.0

What is your Focus? 

Materialism makes CREATION, not the Creator the object of devotion. The man who would be Christ’s disciple must hold lightly to the world and tightly to God (Luke 14:33; Colossians 3:2). A disciple of the Lord Jesus is no longer his own. He is “bought with a price” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame 2.0


When people get settled and comfortable they tend to pay less attention to their Maker and more attention to the things He made. Even useful or needed things can take first place in time and affections that rightfully belong to the Lord. Jesus knew the danger we call Materialism, for His land had many Materialists. When He multiplied by a miracle the loaves and fishes to feed a hungry crowd, people tried by force to make Him their “King of Things” (John 6:13-15).

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame 2.0

An IDEA is a SPARK — a spark that can fire a world. 

“As a man thinks in his heart — so IS he” (Proverbs 23:7). The way you think is the way you will live. We LIVE what we really BELIEVE. There are many philosophies, or ordered ideas for living, in our world. Most have some powerful points that capture young people’s interests. All but ONE are weaknesses and some serious, even dangerous consequences when a life is based on them. “Beware in case any man trick you through philosophy and empty deception, according to the basic principles of the WORLD and not after CHRIST” Paul warned (Colossians 2:8). How much of the world’s ideas run your life?

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame 2.0

The Greatest Force 

The love of God is the greatest force in the Universe. God's love loosed on the world shook it to its foundations. The early disciples were not tied together in organization, sworn together in doctrine or frozen together in tradition. They were melted together in love.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame (p234)

"Nobody Understands Me?" (part 4-5) 

3. CRAZE FOR SPIRITUALITY -- "Nobody really understands me and God."

Some people seem to try too hard to be Christians. They appear intent on being "super-holy," wanting to do everything "spiritual" or acting as God's judge of the sins of the world.

Yet those who know them, "smell a rat." Their zeal doesn't ring true. The fruit of the Spirit is strangely absent. Wrapped up in themselves, their over-spirituality is a shell covering a desperate need of being accepted.

It can often begin from personal deficiency by birth or accident. It need not hinder their spiritual life, but THEY think it must. Such needy ones blame their parents or God for what has happened. But NEITHER should be accused. (John 9:1-3). God can allow such things for a demonstration of His power and glory in weakness. If it is a God-allowed "infirmity" it must be accepted. (2 Corinthians 12:7-9).

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame (p177)

Image: Graphicstock

How Do I Look? - (Part 3-5) 

2. "I hate the way I look; my hairstyle, clothes, face, etc."

If His people spent even as much time on their hearts as they do their LOOKS, God could meet much of the world's need. If YOU could CHANGE the way you look, would you? Without surgery even -- you CAN! Your looks reflect the state of your heart. When it is honest and free from guilt, you face will be lit with the radiance of God. A person who is truly beautiful on the INSIDE, will be attractive on the OUTSIDE. Clothes, like lives, must be simple and clean. Very gaudy or "showy" dress is a sure sign of a lonely, self-centered heart. A Christian must not be a slave to the fashions and customs of the world. Live like the world and you scream to the streets, "Give me dress, give me fashion, give me flattery and I am happy." Take care of the INSIDE and the outward appearance takes care of itself. (2 Corinthians 3:18; 1 Timothy 2:9-10; Romans 12:1-2 Phillips translation).

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame (p176)

Image: Graphicstock

"Taking Off the Mask - (part 2-5) 

"Taking off the mask" is rather frightening and a little bit painful. But when  we learn to do this TOGETHER before God, we take a giant step to family unity as children  of God. Immense personal problems grow out of this root -- failing to believe that I AM WHAT I AM. Check out your own life for this:

1. CROWD FEAR -- "Nobody wants me; nobody likes me; nobody accepts me."

Afraid of meeting others? Self-consciousness is pride. The less you think about what others think of YOU, the more power and freedom you will have in your Christian life as you walk before the eyes of the Lord. If you are like this, you have not accepted yourself for the way God made you. (Psalms 56:4).

Winkie Pratney
     (Youth Aflame p176)

Image: Graphicstock

You Are What You Really Are (part 1-5) 

When the Lord Jesus came, He wore no mask. He was wholly what He seemed to be. In Him was found no guile. People came to Him pretending, but found they couldn't fool Him! He looked into their souls, showed them without saying that He understood why they wore their  "mask." Gently, He helped them take it off, and the man behind it saw light as he faced the world honestly for the first time. When Paul saw himself as GOD saw him, he said, "I am the chief of sinners." (1 Timothy 1:15). In God's army we are all chiefs, no indians!

God wants to show you what you are. It may take Him a long time, but He will stop at nothing short of perfection once you have let Him have your life. He can't start until you know the truth about yourself -- "In me, there lives no good thing!" Sometimes it takes us a lifetime to realize we ARE what God says us to be -- "sinners!" Once realized we can start being really dependent on God to make us all He wants us to be. We are like the ugly duckling. Until we despair of ever changing ourselves, God cannot make us into beautiful "swans."

~Winkie Pratney
     (Youth Aflame p176)

Image: Graphicstock

The Masks We Wear... 

Almost everyone wears a mask to cover the real person --- our true inner souls. behind many a smile lies defeat, discouragement and despair. We live in a pretend world. Daily, people practice their smiles in the mirror and go out to live with other masked people. It often seems like no one understands us and our problems, for most everyone we meet seems to live a relaxed life. Finding no one with problems like ours, we cover the lines of guilt and worry, fix our smile up carefully again, and go on back to pretending. From childhood we are taught to be unreal; to look as if we are happy when we aren't; to laugh when we feel like crying; to act as if nothing has happened when we are hurt; to carefully cover the tears and go on with the business of living again.

But it is this kind of automatic deceit that makes it so hard for God to get through to us. He wants to show us what we are. It may take Him a long time, but once He has begun He will complete His work. And He cannot begin to help us until we learn the truth about our old lives; that in US there is "no good thing." (Romans 7:18). Sometimes it takes a person a lifetime to realize that he IS what God says he is without Him -- a SINNER. We always find reasons why we are "better" than the Bible says we are; if we get too good at these, we can simply never be saved.  

~Winkie Pratney
     (Youth Aflame (p175)

Pic by Rasevic (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Satan's "Push-me-pull-you" 

Satan uses both extremes, (Worm-Pride & Self-Pride) in his attacks on Christians. If he cannot puff you up, he will try to push you down. He will alternate thrusts of great elation or great depression following spiritual victories or failures. Watch out for these two kinds of pride, recognize them for what they are, and resist them. The safest way a Christian can think of himself is as a FORGIVEN child of GOD. This will keep you from both of these extremes. And remember too, the secret of dealing with self is not wrestling it, but getting so caught up with the Lord Jesus and His work that you forget it.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame (p175)

Boot-Strap Pride 

Self-Dependance is the pride sin that felled Lucifer, the beautiful angel of light in charge of God's wisdom secrets, and turned him into Satan, the Devil (Isaiah 14:14; Ezekiel 28:12-17). As long as there is someone bigger and better than him, the man with the "big wheel" pride can never be content. Now God is always going to be infinitely greater than any man can ever be. A man who wants to be be King of his own universe NEVER wants to meet God. That is why a lot of people waste a lot of time and words arguing that He does not exist. They really wish it were true because one day they will have to answer for their false estimates of their own importance.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame (p173)

Picture is Ross McElwee who was playing a character representing Lucifer/Devil from the drama "Toymaker & Son" circa 1988-89 

Grace-ful Pride 

We can preach on the pride of race, face and place; but the most deceitful is the pride of  "grace." ...One such form trades on the goodness of God. It involves "reminding" Him of how much you have done for Him in the past. You suggest to your conscience that since you have accomplished some great things for God, you are entitled to a small moral holiday. This is not funny. God is not going to overlook any kind of sin, no matter how much you have done. (Ezekiel 18:24; Philippians 3:5-8) Too often  His children fall RIGHT AFTER they have done some really significant work for Him. Grace cannot be "stored" so you can "sin a little" on your reputation. The higher you get to God in the eyes of men, the more carefully you must guard your life because He will judge you more severely as a leader for failure than someone else with less light. (James 3:1)

~Winkie Pratneyangel 
     Youth Aflame (p173)

"Worm" Pride 

The pride of the "worm" devalues what God says we are worth in His eyes. He does not annihilate our personalities; He cares for us regardless of our lack of greatness because He made us and knows what we can be in His hands.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame 

Christian vs Religion 

True Christianity is not a religion; it is people through Christ returning to normal. Religions are our substitutes for God; through Christ God has substituted for us! The Creator put an echo of His nature in our beings; men cannot find real peace apart from Him.

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame