... A reminder from God

What is the purpose of Sabbath? It is a covenantal reminder that all we have flows from God and all we do is to be for God. The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. It is not primarily a legal restriction but a relational opportunity. It is not for God’s sake, but for ours; for a single day it boundaries all labor apart from that which rests, refreshes and replenishes our lives. It hallows forever the necessity of periodic release from pressure, and reminds us recreation is in a real way a re-creation.

The consequence of working seven days without rest or respite results in death. Though the execution of legal national penalty is no longer in effect, the inescapable principle remains; when people and their livelihoods, industries and companies begin to prematurely die, much of this needless suffering and loss will trace back to attempted violations of what is unchangeable. Without a sacred break, you habituate acceleration to burn out.

~Winkie Pratney
     Spiritual Vocations

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