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... to be saved, is to be lost! 

An Eastern view of the world, although it doesn't confront wrong, does provide a good answer for the unity and harmony we see all around us. It says, "yes, we all are really one ---you, me, the sky, the sea, the flea and the redwood tree." 

Just as the water of the ocean is the same stuff as an individual drop separated from it, God is, according to this world view, the whole of reality. His "stuff" is essentially the same as your "stuff.".... Your problem, according to the East, is that you think you are somehow distinct from the rest of creation. The way to solve that problem in Eastern thought is to lose your sense of individuality. ... Salvation consists in regaining that profound unity by understanding --- by the conquest of illusion. .... You lose yourself in the whole. That, to the East is salvation. To be saved is to be individually lost! This is "Nirvana" --- not the rock group, but Eastern heaven. Nothingness
(This is part 3 of a series that began with "A Supernatural View of Ecology")

~Winkie Pratney 
     Healing the Land, a Supernatural View of Ecology (p49)

I'm sorry, what was the question again? 

A Western materialistic view of nature has an answer for difference but no real answer for the unity, law, structure and harmony we see in the universe. ... The Western picture of man as the product of blind, undirected chance and matter, while all around us is a universe that speaks of laws, of harmony and objects that behave according to order. 

The West has no real answer for law, form, or structure. Yet the universe exists with law, form and structure. Why this should be so has no real answer in the equations of chance. Nature has her rules and you try to break them at your peril. (This is a continuation from yesterday.)

~Winkie Pratney 
     Healing the Land, a Supernatural View of Ecology (p45)

A Supernatural View of Ecology 

The third or Biblical view, is neither Eastern nor Western, that the earth and the universe were designed with humanity as the crown of creation and utterly special. Nature is, in this picture, neither chemical nor divine, but a supernaturally co-created gift of God that has suffered a terrible loss because of the failure and neglect of its appointed caretaker --- man and woman. 

~Winkie Pratney 
     Healing the Land, a Supernatural View of Ecology (p42)

Do I have your attention NOW? 

"Venus and Uranus not only rotate in the opposite direction from all the other planets in our solar system, but about one-third of the moons in our planetary system go 'backwards.' Quirks like this drive scientists crazy.... it's hard to think of some 'accident' big enough to wholly reverse a moon's orbit without shattering it, let alone the spin direction of a whole planet.

Perhaps exceptions to the general rule like this are God's way of saying, 'Now do I have your attention?' "

~Winkie Pratney
     Healing the Land

The Admiration of Selfishness??? 

"It is a strange thing, but selfishness has never been admired. No creed or religion in history has thought well of the man who betrayed those who loved and helped him the most, or became a coward to save his own neck. Even dedicated Marxists have annual twinges of conscience. This rule God gave us -- the rule of  fairness -- is known by all races, regardless of language, religion or training. Both 'civilized' and 'savage' know this inwritten law of happiness. As long as a person can function as a moral being, it will throw light on their conduct."

~Winkie Pratney
     Youth Aflame